Sunday, October 14, 2012

Every ’70s Movie is Two Years Old Today!

So far, over 815 movies have been reviewed on Every ’70s Movie. It’s hard to say how long it will take to complete this ambitious project, but even if the one-post-per-day pace continues, there should be plenty of Me Decade grooviness for years to come. At present, I’ve identified approximately 2,700 titles. While the mainstays of this blog are American feature films released between January 1970 and December 1979 (rest assured, I’ll get to each and every one if it’s at all humanly possible), I’ve also broadened the view to include selected documentaries (including each ’70s Oscar winner for Best Documentary Feature), selected English-language foreign films (i.e., key English and Australian pictures), as well as the most important foreign-language films released during the ’70s. Plus, of course, I’m covering acclaimed and cult-favorite TV movies, since the telefilm genre had its heyday during the ’70s. In the future, I also plan to introduce pictures I call “Honorary ’70s Movies,” 100 or so features released in 1980 and 1981 that were either filmed in the ’70s and/or hew so closely to the ’70s aesthetic that they continue the ethos of the decade (think Airplane!, The Elephant Man, The Empire Strikes Back, Superman II, etc.). Thanks very much to everyone who reads the blog regularly, and it’s been great meeting some of you in the “Comments” section. Your reactions are always welcome! Also welcome—hint, hint!—are donations to help me track down obscure titles. The PayPal donation button is on the upper-right hand side of the blog, just under my profile.


  1. Thank you for one of the best blogs on the 'Net! Happy Anniversary!

  2. Happy Birthday! Let's hope the "twos" aren't terrible!

    [Regarding "running out" of movies: There are those of us who consider "'70s Films" to be a sort of style or genre, which stretch's from roughly 1967 (Bonnie & Clyde? The Wild Angels?) to 1982 (Fast-Walking?), when the Reagan/George Lucas vibe turned the national mood "up," and put the kibosh on the Hollywood New Wave...]

    Keep up the great work, and thanks!

  3. Congratulations! This is a fantastic blog that is to blame for adding many more films to my Netflix queue! And thanks again for including Forgotten Films in your links!

  4. HAPPY BIRTHDAY E70sM!!! Great project and great blog!!!

  5. PH & Co.:
    There’s a very interesting read currently up at Acidemic, which basically calls “Halloween 2” the last 1970s film; worth a look.

    Also, I have initiated a film quiz (centering on your favorite films that aren’t “______”) at my blog—all are invited!

  6. Love the blog and really appreciate the using the original theatrical posters whenever possible. Look forward to the years to come!
