Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Who’ll Stop the Rain (1978)

          Provocative themes related to counterculture idealism, illegal drugs, police corruption, and the Vietnam War intersect in Who’ll Stop the Rain, an exceptionally well-made drama/thriller that, somehow, never quite gels. The film is praiseworthy in many important ways, boasting evocative production values, sensitive performances, and suspenseful situations, so the picture’s shortcomings are outweighed by its plentiful virtues. Nonetheless, Who’ll Stop the Rain is frustrating, because judicious editing—or, better still, bolder reimagining during the process of translating the source material into a film script—could have accentuated the most important elements while also providing greater clarity and simplicity. Some background: Robert Stone, the author of the underlying novel and also the co-writer the script, ran with a cool crowd in the ’60s and ’70s, gaining insight into hipster icons ranging from Neil Cassady to Ken Kesey. Stone also amalgamated data about the role dope played in the lives of U.S. soldiers serving in Vietnam. The writer blended these ideas, plus notions from his fertile imagination, into the novel Dog Soldiers, which won the National Book Award in 1975. Alas, Stone’s story got muddy on the way to the screen.
          The picture follows three interconnected characters. During a prologue set in Vietnam, burned-out journalist John Converse (Michael Moriarty) hatches a get-rich scheme: He buys a stash of heroin, and then recruits his friend, soldier Ray Hicks (Nick Nolte), to smuggle the smack inside a military transport when Hicks returns to America. Right away, this set-up illuminates the textured character dynamics at work in Who’ll Stop the Rain; there’s a great moment when Hicks expresses surprise Converse is willing to use him so brazenly, thus revealing how deeply Converse’s idealism has been eroded by the ugliness of war. Hicks mules the package successfully, but unloading the drugs stateside proves troublesome. Converse’s wife, Marge (Tuesday Weld), has become a prescription-drug addict and therefore can’t arrange Hicks’ payoff as instructed. Worse, a corrupt DEA agent (Anthony Zerbe) pounces on the Converse home—while Hicks is there with the drugs—in order to steal the narcotics and wipe out anyone who gets in his way. Hicks escapes with Marge, but this sets in motion a long chase leading from San Francisco to Los Angeles. Meanwhile, Converse returns to the U.S. and gets captured by the DEA agent, who tortures the would-be drug mogul and uses him for bait to lure Hicks (and Marge) from hiding. All of this culminates with a wild shootout at Hicks’ hippie hideaway in the Southern California desert.
          Listing all the ways this story doesn’t work cinematically would take a while—for instance, Converse departs the narrative for long stretches, and the quasi-romance between Hicks and Marge feels both contrived and needlessly downbeat. But none of these problems diminish the texture of Who’ll Stop the Rain. The movie’s acting is amazing, with Nolte at his animalistic best, Weld capturing a queasy sort of bewilderment, and Moriarty sweating his way through a vivid turn as a pathetic striver. Zerbe is memorably insidious, while the actors playing his low-rent henchmen—Richard Masur and Ray Sharkey—add surprising elements of humor and terror. Director Karel Reisz, always stronger with atmosphere and character than with story, generates tremendous realism even in the most outrageous scenes (e.g., the final shootout), and his filmmaking soars at periodic intervals. Ultimately, the power of Who’ll Stop the Rain stems from the cumulative mood of despair that the filmmakers generate—if nothing else, Who’ll Stop the Rain captures something profound about how it felt to sort through the mess of Vietnam while history was still unfolding.

Who’ll Stop the Rain: GROOVY


  1. I thought this was an interesting movie as well. Not perfect, but has its moments. Any movie with Tuesday Weld is worth checking out as I consider her to be a greatly underrated actress.

  2. Watched this recently on Netflix, found it oddly intriguing but the score sounded like it was for a tawdry TV movie and not a serious film. Very offputting.

  3. Kudos again for identifying these never-heard-of flicks. Sounds like they put too many clothes in the washing machine on this one, gonna pass although I love Nick Nolte.

  4. Boy, you sure don't get to the end of this one thinking "Boo hoo I didn't get to hear the CCR song enough times" ! ... (You get to hear it about a billion times but then again it is an awesome song though)

    Great movie, one of the era's best returning vet movies -- which to my tastes aren't necessarily the canonical ones like "Coming Home" (not knocking that at all) -- but rather films like this one -- and the stupendous, still underrated "Cutter's Way", which would be released a few years later -- oddly enough, also helmed by a Czech director!

    In a world in which a TV show quite justly lauded as one of the best in TV history; can nevertheless never depict a single instance of DEA malfeasance or corruption in its entire multi-year running time (the price for the co-operation which provided versimilitude in other areas) ; it's refreshing once in a blue moon to be reminded of the actuality of the "war on drugs" , and the razor-thin and highly permeable (and sometimes snortable) line between the ostensibly good and bad guys ...

  5. If you love this movie like I do (I have it both on VHS and Criterion Collection blu-ray), you owe it to yourself to read the novel Who'll Stop the Rain? is based on, Robert Stone's Dog Soldiers.

    In that novel the characters are really fleshed out and you understand each character's motivations much more clearly.
    As much as I love the movie, which I saw before I read the book, it's just a sketch of what the novel is.

    So if you love Who'll Stop the Rain?, I think you'll love Dog Soldiers even more.

  6. Correction: The blu-ray edition of Who'll Stop the Rain that I have is issued by Twilight Time, not Criterion.
