Monday, October 14, 2013

Every ’70s Movie is Three Years Old Today!

Amazingly, the halfway point in this blog’s life cycle is in sight—of the 2,700 titles that I’ve identified as meeting the criteria for inclusion, just over 1,200 have been reviewed so far, which menas the halfway mark of 1,350 movies isn’t too far away. Although I’ve intentionally held back a few major titles, to ensure that the second half of this journey isn’t entirely dominated by low-budget obscurities, the adventure of Every ’70s Movie should get even more illuminating from this point forward. My ultimate goal, of course, is to track down and review every single feature film that received a significant American release between 1970 and 1979, and I’m employing a broad definition of the term “significant release.” That’s why, in addition to conventional fiction films that were shot and released in English, I’m giving attention to key documentaries and foreign films, as well as selected TV movies—since, let’s face it, telefilms along the lines of the Steven Spielberg-directed Duel (1971) are more noteworthy than many ’70s features that were originally exhibited in cinemas. As promised in last year’s birthday post, the purview of this site will eventually expand to include selected “Honorary ’70s Movies,” meaning releases from the early ’80s that either continued stories begun in the ’70s (here’s looking at you, The Empire Strikes Back) or represented the final expressions of aesthetics that dominated the ’70s (watch out for remarks on Cutter’s Way). Obviously, however, the meat-and-potatoes content of this blog will continue to be theatrical features, and at a certain point not too far in the future, finding the most obscure movies will involve cumbersome expenditures. Therefore, please consider this birthday post my annual invitation for donations. If you’re digging this groovy scene, help keep the party going, friends! To make donations, simply click the PayPal button on the upper-right hand side of the blog, just under my profile. Plus, as always, it’s great to hear from you via the comments function, so keep the feedback coming. Here’s to the next three years!


  1. Congrats Peter on your 3-year benchmark. Keep up the great work! Really enjoy your blog and you're an excellent writer. Thanks for all the movies recommendations, my home collection has some awesome titles that wouldn't be sitting up on those shelves if it wasn't for your blog. Thanks again. T:

  2. Happy birthday! Glad to hear about including films that began production in the late '70s. One of the best movies that fits that criteria that I've seen lately is THE LONG GOOD FRIDAY with Bob Hoskins.

  3. Congratulations on three years! I'm glad you're going beyond the 70s too. I read this blog every day and have discovered quite a few films I'd never even heard of before. Keep up the great work!

  4. It's a terrific blog . Congrats!

  5. Congrats Peter! As I've said before you have one of the best blogs on the net. Also, if you are looking for an extremely obscure 70's title and can't seem to find it feel free to drop me a line. I've been an avid film collector now for 15 years and have amassed an extensive collection of films from the 60's, 70's and 80's and I may have some you can't find anywhere else including stuff never released on VHS or DVD. I could burn a copy for you or direct you to a reputable collector who has it, so just let me know.

  6. I just found you! Your reviews are great and I've watched a couple "Right On" films that I never heard of.

    Thank you.
