Wednesday, April 30, 2014

A Million Page Views!

I’m happy to announce that Every ’70s Movie has now accrued over 1 million page views, and that traffic is holding steady at a respectable average of 40,000 page views per month. Thanks so much to loyal readers and to visitors. As always, donations are greatly appreciated, since they help keep the ’70s fun coming, and it’s a special pleasure to communicate with readers via the comments function. FYI, based on my research of titles that meet the blog’s criteria, Every ’70s Movie is now in the second half of its lifespan, with over 1,300 reviews posted to date. That means hundreds more are yet to come, so keep reading and keep spreading the word!


  1. Wow! I'm impressed. You should make a second career advising people how to drive traffic to their blog. Clearly you know the secret!

  2. Congratulations sir!

    This does not surprise me. I found your blog about six months ago, and in the first few days read every previous review, and every one since.

    Your reviews very often tally with my own opinions, and this has led me to viewing many new movies based on your words.

    Your focus on a particular decade, rather than genre, is a great strength. For a movie fan like myself it means I can always find something of interest to add to my viewing list, often something I would never have considered (or even heard of!) before.

    I look forward to the future reviews...and who knows, perhaps another decade or two in years to come?

  3. I have no idea how I found this site but check it everyday now. Congrats on a million page views. You should think about putting out a kindle book (in volumes obviously).

  4. Congrads on your milestone Peter and keep up the good work!! Tommy

  5. Congratulations Peter, and here's to the next million!
