Thursday, October 16, 2014

Every ’70s Movie is Four Years Old!

Once again, it’s time to thank the many readers who visit Every ’70s Movie regularly, as well as the casual fans who pop in from time to time. Since this blog is very much a labor of love, feedback and readership stats are vital to letting me know that people dig the work. While the exact number of movies that meet the criteria for this blog remains a moving target, my best guess right now is that the tally will top out around 2,650 titles. As of this week, just over 1,500 movies have been reviewed, so the two-thirds milestone is visible on the horizon. To provide illumination for any who are curious, my criteria is roughly this—any English-language, feature-length fiction film that received a theatrical release in the U.S. from Jan. 1, 1970, to Dec. 31, 1979, is fair game. Because the story of ’70s cinema includes many other interesting colors, I’m also reviewing the era’s most significant documentaries, foreign films, and made-for-TV movies. To keep things lively, this year I introduced a recurring feature called “1980 Week,” so every three months, one seven-day week of this blog highlights releases from what could arguably be described as the last year of the ’70s. After all, nearly every 1980 release began its life cycle in 1979 or earlier. (The next “1980 Week” begins on Monday.) As I move through the back half of my master list of ’70s movies, more and more detective work—as well as other resources—will be required to track down copies of films, so I’ll close with my annual request for donations. (See the top of the blog's right-hand column.) If you enjoy this blog regularly, please consider helping out so I can tell the story of ’70s cinema all the way to the end. Meantime, thanks again for reading, and looking forward to chatting with you via the comments function.


  1. Congratulations, Peter. Your site is part of my morning read. Please continue writing your excellent reviews of '70s films, whose eclectic range of subjects put the homogeneity of today's blockbuster cookie cutter movies to shame.

  2. Congrats on the milestone! You've got a great blog and I hope it keeps going for years to come.

  3. Way to go! Love reading your blog.

  4. Congrats to you Peter! Still my favorite movie blog, but don't get too comfortable my friend, remember you promised after the 70's to do the next blog, Every 60's movie!!

  5. Wishful thinking on your part, Tommy. If I ever said anything of the sort, it was totally in jest. The 1960s will have to get along without me, because I don't have another decade's worth of reviews in me. (And the idea of watching all those Beach Party movies and Elvis movies -- shudder.) That said, there's still plenty of gas left in the tank for this one...
