Monday, February 2, 2015

Delinquent Schoolgirls (1975)

Not many grimy B-movies blend the exploitive textures of softcore porn with the giddy flavors of gay camp, but Delinquent Schoolgirls manages to do just that. It’s a rotten movie, no question. Nonetheless, it contains passages that are weirdly compelling, even though most of the running time comprises leering shots of buxom women dancing, stripping, swimming, or otherwise moving their bodies in such a way as to fill the screen with undulating mammary glands. (We’re talking topless jumping jacks, topless karate, and so on.) The picture opens in a prison for the criminally insane, where psychotic inmate Carl (Michael Pataki) receives electroshock therapy. Returning to his cell, Carl conspires with raging queen Bruce (Stephen Stucker) and serial rapist Dick (Bob Miner) on an escape plan. The men break out of prison and stumble upon a nearby school for girls, where the only students in residence are troublemakers who were denied vacation passes. Carl and his cronies force the women to display themselves while selecting just the right young lady to kidnap, but eventually the women rebel against their captors. Predictably, Delinquent Schoolgirls is a disaster in terms of characterization and story, though some puerile viewers will be pleased with the endless variety of nude and/or semi-nude scenes featuring attractive starlets. (The less said about the subplot concerning a middle-aged teacher who drugs and rapes one of his students, the better.) Leading man Pataki’s attempts at spicing his performance with humor are weak, since his main gag involves second-rate impressions of Daffy Duck, W.C. Fields, Clark Gable, and others. It’s also difficult not to feel embarrassed for Minor, who must incarnate the ugly cliché of an animalistic, sex-crazed black stud. And then there’s Stucker, beloved by comedy fans for his bizarre turn as air-traffic controller Johnny in Airplane! (1980) and Airplane II: The Sequel (1982). Stucker is cheerfully flamboyant in every scene, though his finest moment is undoubtedly playing piano and belting out “Twinkle Twinkle Little Star” while Minor’s character rapes a housewife in the next room.

Delinquent Schoolgirls: LAME

1 comment:

  1. This thing is crazed, but it does feature iconic skin-mag model Roberta Pedon.
