Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Thank You

Just a quick shout-out to the generous readers who've made donations recently. Thank you to Edward G., Michael H., Rogier B., Bill H., and William E. (Last names and geographical info withheld to spare these folks from receiving troll solicitations.) Donations are meaningful here at Every '70s Movie, because now that I'm deep into the back half of my title list, more resources are necessary to find obscure films. Speaking of which, since it's been a while since I shared stats--and since I've been doing an enormous amount of research lately to ensure that my title list is as comprehensive as possible--here's where things stand in terms of the grand, mad project I've undertaken. Give or take a few titles, approximately 2,700 movies meet the criteria for this blog. For those keeping score, I'm trying to watch and review every American-made fictional feature released in U.S. theaters from Jan. 1, 1970, to Dec. 31, 1979 (not counting porn, which I'm omitting entirely). Also included in that 2,700-title list are key documentaries and foreign films. In addition to the 2,700 titles, I'm looking at approximately 100 movies from 1980, as well as approximately 100 important made-for-TV movies from the '70s. Assuming that I'll discover a few more titles along the way that I've previously missed, the whole project should end up encompassing about 3,000 movies. In other words, you can see why every little bit of support helps! Thank you again to recent donors. Support is always welcome.


  1. Keep up the great work, we cinema fans luv ya!

  2. I'll echo Tommy's comment and also ask if you plan on reviewing the three 'On the Buses' movies we made over here in this greatest of film decades? Each one is a masterpiece. You won't regret it, I promise.

  3. Thanks for the kind words, Andrew. Alas, I probably won't get to the 'On the Bus' series. Getting through every US movie will be a huge task, so I've had to make some hard calls about foreign product, UK movies included, even though, for obvious reasons pertaining to culture and language (to say nothing of coproduction arrangements), the UK will be better represented in this space than any other foreign country. That said, the 'On the Bus' series is on my radar, so never say never...
