Friday, November 13, 2015

Thank You

Sending gratitude and greetings to readers Greg L., Jose D., Peter R., and William E., all of whom recently donated to support Every '70s Movie. Thanks! While I am of course deeply grateful for loyal readership and for the thoughtful comments that regular visitors share so generously, donations deserve special notice because any help with the expense of operating this blog is significant. Much as I wish that generating Every '70s Movie did not incur costs, there are expenses related to acquiring movies for review, and these costs will actually increase exponentially as the blog enters its final years, because the more obscure a title is, the more resources are required to track that title down. So although I only formally request donations once a year, on the blog's birthday every October, the donation button is always available at the upper right-hand corner of the homepage, just below the logo. There are still hundreds of movies yet to be reviewed, and I'm determined to see as many of them as humanly possible. You can help by supporting the blog through whatever means are available to you, whether that involves reading regularly (which boosts viewership statistics), commenting regularly to share your perspectives (which helps to keep the blog interactive), or donating. Everything is appreciated. Meantime, keep reading, and rest assured there are still years of '70s cinematic goodness yet to come!


  1. No problem, Peter. I just dropped another $5 into the till to keep you going. Your greater challenge will be coming up with a way to watch the 1977 feature The Farmer starring Gary Conway and Angel Tompkins. While Columbia Pictures theatrically released the film, they are not the rights holder and the film has never been released on home video. In addition, I have never seen an airing of the film on any broadcast or cable channel. I know the USC Cinematic Arts library has a copy of the movie on 3/4 inch tape but viewing privileges are restricted to current students which means they won't let a Bruin like you near the equipment. Keep up the good work.

  2. Damn that Bruin/Trojan rivalry! If it comes to that, however, I know people at USC... And thanks again.
