Thursday, September 27, 2018

4 Million Page Views!

Greetings from the wilderness beyond the wonderful world of Every ’70s Movie! Although I’ve been enjoying a much-needed reprieve after more than seven years of daily posting, I hope to resume tracking down missing titles in the near future, so, as promised when last we spoke, the conclusion of regular daily posting in April did not represent the end of this blog. The reason for checking in today is to report that despite the paucity of recent posts, Web traffic over the last couple of months has advanced the blog’s lifetime readership past another impressive milestone—as of this writing, Every ’70s Movie has received more than 4 million page views. Thank you! We’ll be together again soon. Until then, feel free to reach out via the comments function with suggestions of titles you don’t yet see on the blog. Some movies have effectively disappeared from public view, but it’s my hope to eventually lay my retinas on every relevant title I can possibly find. 


  1. I don't know how available it is (there are clips on YouTube) but I recently learned there is a 1978 TV movie of Judy Blume's Forever out there.

    I always enjoy the blog. Looking forward to more.

  2. A couple to keep an eye out for are 1971's Jump/aka Fury On Wheels, a racing flick starring Tom Ligon, Logan Ramsey, Conrad Bain, & from the director of Joe, & 43, The Petty Story/aka Smash Up Alley, a low budget racing programmer starring Darren McGavin as Lee Petty, & Richard Petty as himself, oddly enough.

    Jump is an interesting character study about a small time racer trying to make the big time, & never quite getting where he wants. Think of Corky with a far, far more likable main character & a more literate script.

    43, The Petty Story is a true drive in kind of movie, worth seeing for McGavin's scenery chewing as Lee Petty. Playing himself, Richard Petty is fine, with his natural ease & charm making up for his acting deficiencies. It's also a public domain film, & can be seen on youtube or in various low budget DVD sets.

  3. How about Craze, a 1974 UK horror film starring Jack Palance, Diana Dors, Dame Edith Evans, Hugh Griffith, Suzy Kendall and Trevor Howard? Warner Brothers released the film in the United States. I didn't see it anywhere on the site but I wasn't sure if it was released under another title.

  4. Speaking of Darren McGavin, I'd like to see you review the made for television film Law and Order. It's on YouTube I believe.

    Not sure if you thought about it or not but your blog would make a great coffee table book if you were able to cram in all your reviews.

  5. Peter, I noticed you never reviewed Man of Marble, a great film from '77 that definitely played in New York. Thanks

  6. I just bought and watched The Blue Knight (1973) on blue ray. I never saw it before but I thoroughly enjoyed all three hours of William Holden playing a burned out beat cop in L.A. It might be my favorite movie adaptation of a Joseph Wambaugh novel.
