The Bermuda Triangle, that
mysterious section of the Atlantic Ocean into which a vast number of boats and
planes have inexplicably disappeared, enjoyed pop-culture
prominence in the ’70s, when all things paranormal were grist for the
infotainment mill. For instance, two feature-length documentaries were made
about the Triangle. The first of the documentaries was a terrible hack job called The Devil’s Triangle, which would have
been unwatchable had the filmmakers not hired horror-cinema legend Vincent
Price to narrate. Featuring dull interview clips, utilitarian stock footage,
and silly artistic renderings that look like courtroom sketches, The Devil’s Triangle offers nothing more
than bland descriptions of mysterious events. (And if the promise of a score by prog-rock titans King
Crimson gets your blood pumping, lower your expectations because the music is
unmemorable.) Price, who does not appear on
camera, does his best to infuse the florid script with creepy-crawly energy,
but by the zillionth time he ends a sentence with “in the Devil’s Triangle,”
the novelty has eroded. Additionally, director/co-writer Richard Winer doesn’t
even bother to propose possible explanations for the Triangle phenomenon,
instead forcing Price to croak cryptic crap: “What is this wrath-flinging,
horrifying curse that prevails in the Devil’s Triangle? An affliction so
incredible that even the United States Coast Guard is reluctant to make an
observation on the matter?”
For entertainingly outrageous answers to such
questions, one must shift attention to a later film, The Bermuda Triangle, which was unleashed by the titans of
fact-deficient “documentaries,” Sunn Classic Pictures. Hosted by
bearish-looking Brad Crandall, who lent his melodious speaking voice and
professorial visage to several Sunn Classic joints, The Bermuda Triangle is a smorgasbord of pseudoscience. In between
vignettes of Crandall speaking while he walks around locations related to the
Triangle mystery, like a now-closed U.S. airbase in Fort Lauderdale, the
picture features re-enactments of Triangle incidents that are staged like
scenes from low-budget horror movies. Flyers freak out when the sky turns green
around their planes; sailors reel when ghost ships appear from strange mists;
seadogs crumble when inexplicable forces cause them to shift in and out of
tangible reality.
Nearly every sensational theory about the Triangle that’s
ever been put forth is depicted with the same degree of ominousness. Abandoned
WWII mines destroying ships! Giant waterspouts rising from the ocean to engulf
aircraft! Undersea earthquakes causing massive tidal waves! Viewers are even
treated to the theory that the Triangle is related to the mythical lost kingdom
of Atlantis—apparently, ancient Atlanteans created a “magnetic force crystal
that harnessed the awesome power of the stars,” but the crystal’s energy
activated volcanoes that consumed Atlantis; now, centuries later, the crystal
rests at the bottom of the ocean, blasting laser beams that explode passing
vessels. But wait—we haven’t even gotten to the part about UFOs traveling
through the triangle via transdimensional gateways! Boasting better production
values than most Sunn Classic cheapies (even though the special effects are
laughably bad), The Bermuda Triangle
is highly enjoyable by dint of sheer ridiculousness.
The Devil’s Triangle: LAME
The Bermuda Triangle: GROOVY
I'm embarrassed to admit I paid to see The Devil's Triangle in the movie theatre. I did appreciate Price's narration at least.
I'm pretty sure it's too late to redeem the cash prize offered by the trailer for the Devil's Triangle, but the reason so many vessels and aircraft are lost in that region is because it's densely packed with shipping lanes between multiple ports, airstrips, and population centers full of recreational boaters and pilots, so if a boat or plane is going to go down, it's one of the most statistically likely places for it to happen. That's it. Lamest mystery ever.
...Did anyone ever claim that prize, though? Because if not, I just made an easy $10 grand.
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