One of those lurid
exploitation flicks with a hint of something serious lurking behind sexy
scenarios and topless shots, Sixteen
tells the slight story of two country-bumpkin teens who become separated from their
parents while visiting a traveling carnival, then fall into confusing
relationships with older lovers. In some ways, the fact that both a brother and
sister find romance (or at least intimacy) elevates this material above the usual titillating fare; a more grotesque version of the same story would
have involved two nubile girls landing in bed with strangers. What’s more, the scenes that open the picture, establishing the story’s economic backdrop and
such, dramatize culture-clash themes because the clan at the center of the narrative is virtually stuck in another
century, as evidenced by their use of a horse-drawn carriage. Unfortunately,
director Lawrence Dobkin and his collaborators strike discordant notes as early
as the picture’s first act. Watching the lengthy scene of adolescent beauty Naomi (Simone Griffeth)
skinny-dipping, one gets the impression the filmmakers considered it more
important for viewers to know the contours of the character’s body than to know
the contours of her soul.
In any event, Pa (Ford Rainey) and Ma (Mercedes
McCambridge) take their kids to a carnival as a means of celebrating after
selling a valuable piece of land. Naomi gets lost, happening upon a swaggering
daredevil who performs a “Wall of Death” routine with a motorcycle. Her
brother, J.C. (Buddy Foster), wanders into a tent featuring strippers. In both
subplots, mature characters exploit the country kids’ naïveté. The daredevil
seduces Naomi, screwing her while other carny folk watch the encounter. Over at
the stripper tent, an aging exotic dancer hears about the income from the land
sale, so she lures J.J. into her mobile home. As this hanky-panky happens, Pa and
Ma have no clue about their kids’ whereabouts, so they reluctantly head home,
believing J.J. will track down his sister and bring her home. Watching Sixteen devolve is a bummer, not because
it held the promise of being a thoughtful sociocultural investigation, but
because the carnival scenes have an unsettling quality that should have led
somewhere more interesting. Similarly, Sixteen features some creepy intimations of
incest and religiosity; more material along those lines would have helped make the picture distinctive.
1 comment:
I'll grant that invoking the skeevy "sexual awakening of a character too young to buy smokes" 70's cliché on a male character along with the expected female one is fairly novel. Then again, so is taking a dump on your own head; that doesn't mean it isn't still off-putting and gross.
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