The first horror movie
directed by unpredictable filmmaker Bob Clark—whose body of work includes A Christmas Story (1983), Porky’s (1981), and several gruesome
fright flicks—Children Shouldn’t Play
with Dead Things is a schlocky enterprise redeemed by its sense of humor.
In fact, the picture is a full-on comedy/horror hybrid, with the satirical
aspects of the story connecting more strongly than the would-be scares. Set on
a tiny island off the Miami coast, the movie is about an eccentric theater
director who brings his company along while performing a black mass. Things get
out of hand when the ceremony actually works, so the actors and designers who
thought they were out for an evening of kinky thrills find themselves running
from bloodthirsty zombies. The story, credited to Clark and leading man Alan
Ormsby, is forgettable. However, the execution is enjoyably whimsical, at least
with regard to dialogue. Ormsby, who went on to pen scripts for several fine
movies (including the 1980 feel-good hit My
Bodyguard and the sexy 1982 remake of Cat
People), has special fun contriving lines for his own character, using
absurdly elevated patterns of polysyllables to ensure that the theater director
comes across as a pompous ass. Interestingly, Ormsby also received credit for
doing the picture’s special-effects makeup, so his immersion in all things
macabre permeates the project. To be clear, Children
Shouldn’t Play with Dead Things is a film of meager pleasures, and there’s
no overlooking the shoddiness of the production values. Photographed entirely
at night, the movie has a garish look because bright lamps were used to
illuminate shadowy locations, and, generally speaking, the lights were hung
without much artistry. The sound is poor, as well, with many scenes obviously looped
to compensate for inadequate location recording. The acting is amateurish but
lively, and Ormsby’s makeup effects for the undead creatures runs to the campy side
of the spectrum. Worse, the movie grows tedious once the zombie attack begins.
Nonetheless, there’s a certain acidic wit to the piece, and the filmmakers
clearly have no illusions of generating high art. Children Shouldn't Play with Dead Things may also include cinema’s
only black mass riddled with Borscht Belt one-liners.
Children Shouldn’t Play with Dead Things: FUNKY
I enjoyed this a little. If I recall correctly, at one point the Ormsby character flings his presumed girlfriend at a horde of zombies just to keep them at bay while he gets away, but there's a wonderful pause as the horde, while taking the girl, all stare at Ormsby, as if to say "Sure, we're a mob of evil flesh-eating zombies -- and yet even we are astonished by your horrible behavior!"
This is one of those movies I have been trying to watch. If anything just for Bob Clark.
Actually, the opening and the start of the zombie attack are the best parts of the film, and yeah, it is funny up until then. It kind of sucks that Clark didn't make more horror films, since he was so good at making some good and truly creepy ones. This one really creeped me out after seeing it as a child, so that's another reason I like it.
I've been watching a bunch of Bob Clark films, and I think I've figured out what connects them, or at least a lot of them: his interest in cruelty and sadomasochism. CHILDREN isn't that different from his first film, SHE-MAN, in that the Alan character is a lot like the dominatrix Domintra, forcing a bunch of actors to indulge his sadistic whims. PORKY'S, meanwhile, is a series of scenes in which people trade places being sadistic or being humiliated (usually sexually). There really is a through line once you look. And I haven't seen A CHRISTMAS STORY in a while, but I remember most vividly all the scenes in which Ralphie is humiliated, or the father is proven to be feckless and inept. (It's almost proto-Simpsons in my memory, though I should rewatch it.)
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